
Articles Tagged ‘learning’

A nap to recap: How reward, daytime sleep boost learning

A new study suggests that receiving rewards as you learn can help cement new facts and skills in your memory, particularly when combined with a daytime nap.sonno

The findings from the University of Geneva, to be published in the journal eLife, reveal that memories associated with a reward are preferentially reinforced by sleep. Even a short nap after a period of learning is beneficial.

Empathetic teachers enhance children’s motivation for learning

Empathetic teachers enhance children’s motivation and academic skills, such as reading, writing and arithmetic skills.

A positive atmosphere created by the teacher also safeguards and increases children’s motivation for learning, according to the Finnish First Steps study currently ongoing at the University of Eastern Finland, the University of Jyväskylä and the University of Turku.

First language wires brain for later language-learning

You may believe that you have forgotten the Chinese you spoke as a child, but your brain hasn’t.

linguaggio precoceMoreover, that “forgotten” first language may well influence what goes on in your brain when you speak English or French today.

Gruppi self-help

Strutture di piccolo gruppo, a base volontaria, finalizzate all’aiuto reciproco e al raggiungimento di scopi particolari

Gruppi self helpI gruppi di self-help (definiti anche “auto aiuto” oppure “auto-mutuo-aiuto”) ci aiutano a comprendere che la malattia e il disagio non sono solo un limite, ma possono diventare risorsa per sé e per gli altri.

Jet lag-like sleep disruptions spur Alzheimer's memory, learning loss

Chemical changes in brain cells caused by disturbances in the body's day-night cycle may be a key underlying cause of the learning and memory loss associated with Alzheimer's disease, according to a University of California, Irvine study.esperimento memoria

The research on mice, led by UCI biomedical engineering professor Gregory Brewer, provides the first evidence that circadian rhythm-altering sleep disruptions similar to jet lag promote memory problems and chemical alterations in the brain.

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I Sondaggi di Psiconline

Le festività ti aiutano a stare meglio?


Le Risposte dell'Esperto

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Area Professionale

La trasmissione intergenerazio…

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Il Protocollo CNOP-MIUR e gli …

di Catello Parmentola CNOP e MIUR hanno firmato nel 2020 un Protocollo d'intesa per il supporto psicologico nelle istituzioni scolastiche. Evento molto positiv...

Come gestire il transfert nega…

Per non soccombere alle proiezioni negative del transfert, lo psicoterapeuta deve conoscere con convinzione ciò che appartiene alla psiche del paziente e ciò ch...

Le parole della Psicologia

Lo stereotipo

Il termine stereotipo deriva dalle parole greche "stereos" (duro, solido) e "typos" (impronta, immagine, gruppo), quindi "immagine rigida". Si tratta di...


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Tecnostress - Tecnofobia

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News Letters