
When Worries Get to You, This Can Help


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Whether you worry once in a while or constantly, this trick can calm you down.

o WORRY facebookThere’s plenty to worry about in our daily lives, from imagining you’ll be late for an important appointment to wondering whether you’ll get the good news you’re waiting to receive.

The underlying theme of worry is future orientation. You don’t worry about something that happened in the past, even if it didn’t go the way you wanted it to go. You do worry about something that hasn’t happened yet, because you simply don’t know the outcome.

You probably know some people who seem eternally calm even when faced with the agony of waiting for important outcomes that won't be resolved until a future time point. It may irritate you when these fret-free people tell you to chill out. It’s even more annoying when they say they’re not at all worried about the exact same situation that’s got you so preoccupied you can hardly think of anything else.

If you’re one of the lucky ones who seems immune to worry, think about what allows you to be so calm and collected. Perhaps you just don’t think it’s worth spending a lot of mental bandwidth on the “maybe’s” of events that haven’t happened yet. Your theme song might be Que Sera Sera (link is external): “Whatever will be will be.”

As it turns out, that ability to roll with whatever punches the future holds for you may just be the key to remaining worry-free.

University of California San Diego psychologist Jessica Bomyea and colleagues (2015), conducted an intervention based on the idea proposed by others that Intolerance of Uncertanty (also called IU) is the foundation of anxiety disorders.


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